Youth Mental Health

youthu - Youth Outcomes To Health Utility

Purpose: To map measures routinely collected in youth mental health services to Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs). Type: R package. Release status: Development release. Development releases should be viewed as “experimental” and have yet to complete all of the verification and validation checks expected of production releases. Intended users: Mental health planners and researchers with at least basic skills in using statistical software. Users must have an up to date version of the R statistical software installed on their machine to install and use the youthu R package.

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Reducing youth suicide: systems modelling and simulation to guide targeted investments across the determinants

Peer reviewed: Yes. Authors: Occhipinti, Jo-An and Skinner, Adam and Iorfino, Frank and Lawson, Kenny and Sturgess, Julie and Burgess, Warren and Davenport, Tracey and Hudson, Danica and Hickie, Ian. Publication: BMC Medicine. Year: 2021 DOI: Method: Using a participatory approach, and informed by a range of national, state, and local datasets, a system dynamics model was developed, tested, and validated for a regional population catchment. The model incorporated defined pathways from social determinants of mental health to psychological distress, mental health care, and suicidal behaviour.

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