Engaging Healthcare Staff and Stakeholders in Healthcare Simulation Modelling for Research Translation: A Systematic Review

By Admin November 23, 2021

Peer reviewed: Yes.

Authors: Zabell, Thea Simone and Long, Katrina M and Scott, Debbie and Hope, Judith and McLoughlin, Ian and Enticott, Joanne.

Publication: Frontiers in Health Services.

Year: 2021

DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/frhs.2021.644831

Method: A systematic review on simulation modelling studies with a health outcome which engaged stakeholders in model design.

Message: There is a large gap in the current literature of formal evaluation of simulation modelling stakeholder engagement, and a lack of consensus about the processes required for effective simulation modelling stakeholder engagement. The adoption and clear reporting of structured engagement and process evaluation methodologies/frameworks are required to advance the field and produce evidence of impact.

BibTeX: @article{zabell2021engaging, title={Engaging Healthcare Staff and Stakeholders in Healthcare Simulation Modelling for Research Translation: A Systematic Review}, author={Zabell, Thea Simone and Long, Katrina M and Scott, Debbie and Hope, Judith and McLoughlin, Ian and Enticott, Joanne}, journal={Frontiers in Health Services}, volume={1}, pages={644831}, year={2021}, publisher={Frontiers Media SA} }