Experts’ perceptions on the use of visual analytics for complex mental healthcare planning: an exploratory study

By Admin May 7, 2020

Peer reviewed: Yes.

Authors: Walsh, Erin I and Chung, Younjin and Cherbuin, Nicolas and Salvador-Carulla, Luis.

Publication: BMC Medical Research Methodology

Year: 2020


Method: Online survey of an international pool of policy-makers, health agency directors, and researchers with extensive and direct experience of using visual analytics tools for complex mental healthcare systems planning.

Message: Preliminary findings indicated that, despite a clear need to extract information from highly complex data, experts tend to utilise visualisations that are most familiar to them, widely understood, and not necessarily the most appropriate. This undermined full utilisation of the depth of available evidences and risks leading to a shallow basis for mental healthcare decision-making. Mental health experts are aware of the value of visual analytics and open to further developments to enhance their applicability. Co-development may be the most fruitful approach in future research intended to develop effective and useful visual analytics tools for complex mental healthcare systems data.

BibTeX: @article{walsh2020experts, title={Experts’ perceptions on the use of visual analytics for complex mental healthcare planning: an exploratory study}, author={Walsh, Erin I and Chung, Younjin and Cherbuin, Nicolas and Salvador-Carulla, Luis}, journal={BMC medical research methodology}, volume={20}, number={1}, pages={1–9}, year={2020}, publisher={BioMed Central} }