Causal modelling for supporting planning and management of mental health services and systems: a systematic review

By Admin January 25, 2019

Peer reviewed: Yes.

Authors: Almeda, Nerea and García-Alonso, Carlos R and Salinas-Pérez, José A and Gutiérrez-Colosía, Mencía R and Salvador-Carulla, Luis.

Publication: International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.

Year: 2019


Method: A systematic review the use of causal modelling (a tool for decision-making based on identifying critical variables and their causal relationships) in mental health services and systems.

Message: The papers included in the review showed very different objectives and subjects of study. Causal modelling can be used for better understanding the behavior of mental helath services and systems, identifying service performance factors, and improving evidence-informed policy-making.

BibTeX: @article{almeda2019causal, title={Causal modelling for supporting planning and management of mental health services and systems: a systematic review}, author={Almeda, Nerea and Garc{'\i}a-Alonso, Carlos R and Salinas-P{'e}rez, Jos{'e} A and Guti{'e}rrez-Colos{'\i}a, Menc{'\i}a R and Salvador-Carulla, Luis}, journal={International journal of environmental research and public health}, volume={16}, number={3}, pages={332}, year={2019}, publisher={MDPI} }