Role of visual analytics in supporting mental healthcare systems research and policy: A systematic scoping review
Peer reviewed: Yes Authors: Chung, Younjin and Bagheri, Nasser and Salinas-Perez, Jose Alberto and Smurthwaite, Kayla and Walsh, Erin and Furst, MaryAnne and Rosenberg, Sebastian and Salvador-Carulla, Luis Publication: International Journal of Information Management. Year: 2020 DOI: Method: Scoping review. Message: Visual analytics is needed for mental healthcare systems research and policy. BibTeX: @article{ChungYRole2020U, title={Role of visual analytics in supporting mental healthcare systems research and policy: A systematic scoping review}, author={Chung, Younjin and Bagheri, Nasser and Salinas-Perez, Jose Alberto and Smurthwaite, Kayla and Walsh, Erin and Furst, MaryAnne and Rosenberg, Sebastian and Salvador-Carulla, Luis}, journal={International Journal of Information Management}, volume={50}, pages={}, year={2020}, publisher={Elsevier BV}}